
Showing posts from June, 2020


Otrs_admin_group : Member of this group will have access to OTRS System Administration. Otrs_agent_group : member of this group is an agents and will have access to Queues. Otrs_user_group : OTRS User group and will be customer in our case. Otrs_allow : All Admins and Agents   users should be member of this group. Otrs_sync : user for Active Directory synchronization with OTRS.   STEP-1 : Pre-Requisites 1)       Find Hostname and IP Address of AD Server 2)       Add Hostname in Linux Server /etc/hosts file 3)       Set Time Zone ( date and time must me same with AD and OTRS Server ) a.        timedatectl list-timezones b.        timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Kolkata STEP-2 : Copy Config Files from OTRS Server. ·          Open WinSCP and Connect to the Server via “SCP” protocol wi...

Multi Tenancy in OTRS Community Edition Step by Step Tutorial

Hi,  How Multi-Tenancy Works in OTRS? OTRS Community Edition supports Multi-Tenancy Feature for handling scenarios such as Service Providers, Call Centers, and Managed Service Providers ( MSP ) and many more industries who want to cater and extend service support to their precious customers. OTRS Community Edition is so much flexible and allows many customizations as per your requirements and Multi-Tenancy is one of them. Single OTRS Server can be used in multi-tenant scenarios, it can also be easy to map service catalogs, groups for a set of customers, and set of support Agents. here is some of the more customization we can do int the OTRS Systems. - Access Control Permission. - Multiple Support Teams. - Customer Specific SLA. - Multiple E-mail Address for Customers. - Multiple Active Directory synchronization for Single Sign-on. - Many More.. below is the basic Ticket flow in my Example. STEPS TO CONFIGURE   Tenant 1 : The Coffee Company Limited 1.    ...

Step by Step installation for OTRS Community Edition 6.x on CentOS Linux

OTRS stands for (Open-Source Ticket Request System) is a service management suite that comprises ticketing, workflow automation, and notification, along with a wide range of customizable features. It is Founded by André Mindermann and Burchard Steinbild in 2001, it was a fully open-source and got huge popularity, and later on, OTRS renamed to OTRS Community Edition., OTRS has release business edition for enterprise in 2005. .                                                                        ((OTRS)) Community Edition is a leading open source ticketing system that provides enterprise-class ticket management systems at much lower costs compared to proprietary ticketing system software.  ((OTRS)) Community Edition provides ready to use features for Help Desk organization and management and IT Service Ma...