Red Hat Virtualization / Oracle Virtualization / Ovirt - Power Management Settings for iDRAC 6 / iDRAC7 / iDRAC9


- How to configure iDRAC 6/ 7/ 8/ 9 settings for Ovirt / RHV / OLVM using Dell environment?

- No fencing agent called iDRAC 6 / 8/ 9 is available in power management. How to configure it?

- How to use ipmilan fencing agent for iDRAC 6 / 8/ 9 ?

The host that houses the self-hosted engine is not highly available by default. Since the self-hosted engine runs inside a virtual machine on a host, if you do not configure high-availability for the host, then live VM migration is not possible.

Further, you must have an additional self-hosted engine host so that it is capable of hosting the engine virtual machine in case of a failure, maintenance issue, etc. This ensures that the Engine virtual machine can failover to another host thus making it highly available.

Error While Configuring iDRAC 7 option in Power Management Section.

"Test failed: WARNING:root:Parse error: Ignoring option 'agent' because it does not have value WARNING:root:Parse error: Ignoring option 'lanplus' because it does not have value ERROR:root:Failed: Unable to obtain correct plug status or plug is not available 2021-11-01 18:17:03,766 ERROR: Failed: Unable to obtain correct plug status or plug is not available "


-  Open iDRAC Web page.

-  iDRAC Settings > Connectivity > Network > IPMI Settings:

- Create New User and Give IPMI Administrator Permission.

- Login to "Ovirt Manager" -> Edit "Host" -> "Power Management "

-  That's it. Now you have a Successfully Configured Power Management Fencing Agent.
Thank you..


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