
Bootloader ... FAILED - it looks like there are no valid bootloader entries. please ensure this is fixed before rebooting.

 Applies to : O-Virt 4.X RHV 4.X OLVM Problem Description : - Node is not able to assign SPM  - Node is not able to go in maintenance Mode. - Virtual Machine status "PAUSE " - " nodectl check " status FAILED . - Bootloader ... FAILED - it looks like there are no valid bootloader entries. Please ensure this is fixed before rebooting. - Layer boot entries ... FAILED - No bootloader entries which point to imgbased layers. - valid boot entries ... FAILED - No valid boot entries for imgbased layers or non-imgbased layers. CAUSE : - Low Space on Montpoints - VDSM Service  RESOLUTION : - Login to Ovirt Management Console. - Try to Assign SPM capability to another cluster node. ( if will fail with error ) - Login to the affected node from SSH and checked the status with " nodectl check " command. - Restart VDSM Service with “ systemctl restart vdsmd ”  - Restart Multipath Service with “ systemctl restart multipathd ” - Move All Running VM’s from the affected node ...

Virtual Disk ( HDD ) stuck in locked status ( ovirt, rhv, olvm )

  Applies to : 1) Ovirt 4.X 2) RHV 4.X 3) OLVM Problem Description : - Virtual Disk show status " Locked " in Storage Domain. FCP / Gluster / iSCSI / NFS - Virtual Disk image can not be removed from inventory due to " Locked " Status. Problem Cause : - Usually, this problem occurs due to network or any other interruption while uploading /copying disk image operation to the storage domain. - Keep disk entry for operation resume, but after a certain time Image get's "Locked" - engine is not keeping the operations state in the DB, and it should handle failures, unlocking the disk if an operation fails. - VDSM is storing partial disks on the storage domain in spite of copy operation failure. Resolution :  - Login to Ovirt-Engine / Management-Engine VM via SSH with "ROOT" user. - go to " /usr/share/ovirt-engine/setup/dbutils/ " - type command " sh -t all " ( Warning !! Affected Virtual Disk data may corrupt , U...

How to install Additional Self-Hosted Engine on Clustered / New Hosts.

  Installing Additional Self-Hosted Engine Hosts Applies to : -  Ovirt 4.x.x - Red Hat Virtualization ( RHV ) 4.x.x - Oracle Linux Virtual Manager ( OLVM ) You add self-hosted engine hosts the same way as a regular host, with an additional step to deploy the host as a self-hosted engine host. The shared storage domain is automatically detected and the host can be used as a failover host to host the Engine virtual machine when required. You can also add regular hosts to a self-hosted engine environment, but they cannot be used to host the Engine virtual machine. To install an additional self-hosted engine host, complete the following steps. Steps for New Host in Cluster. In the  Administration Portal , go to  Compute  and click  Hosts . Click  New. For information on additional host settings, see the  Admin Guide  in the latest upstream  oVirt Documentation . Use the drop-down list to select the  Data Center  and  Host Clus...

Red Hat Virtualization / Oracle Virtualization / Ovirt - Power Management Settings for iDRAC 6 / iDRAC7 / iDRAC9

 ISSUE :  - How to configure iDRAC 6/ 7/ 8/ 9 settings for Ovirt / RHV / OLVM using Dell environment? - No fencing agent called iDRAC 6 / 8/ 9 is available in power management. How to configure it? - How to use ipmilan fencing agent for iDRAC 6 / 8/ 9 ? The host that houses the self-hosted engine is not highly available by default. Since the self-hosted engine runs inside a virtual machine on a host, if you do not configure high-availability for the host, then live VM migration is not possible. Further, you must have an additional self-hosted engine host so that it is capable of hosting the engine virtual machine in case of a failure, maintenance issue, etc. This ensures that the Engine virtual machine can failover to another host thus making it highly available. Error While Configuring iDRAC 7 option in Power Management Section. " Test failed: WARNING:root:Parse error: Ignoring option 'agent' because it does not have value WARNING:root:Parse error: Ignoring option 'la...

Kdump integration is enabled for host '', but kdump is not configured properly on host

 ERROR :  Getting the below message in Ovirt / Oracle KVM / RHEV Portal, while activating a host: " Kdump integration is enabled for host '<hostname>', but kdump is not configured properly on host " RESOLUTION : The Host need to be reinstalled in order to push new Kdump integration configuration.  1) Switch the affected host to " Maintenance Mode ", all VMs will be automatically migrated to the next available hosts in the cluster. 2) Click on " Installation" Menu.   3) Select "Reinstall" Button. New Window will open. 4) Go to " Self-Hosted Engine " and select " Deploy ". 5) Click " OK " to begin reinstallation of the host. VERIFY : Specifically, to determine if the Host has Kdump configured or not OVIRT / ORACLE KVM / RHV-M checks the host's /etc/kdump.conf contains the configurations below: fence_kdump_nodes rhv-m-server-ip-address fence_kdump_args -p 7410 -i 5 During a host Reinstallation, the sa...


Otrs_admin_group : Member of this group will have access to OTRS System Administration. Otrs_agent_group : member of this group is an agents and will have access to Queues. Otrs_user_group : OTRS User group and will be customer in our case. Otrs_allow : All Admins and Agents   users should be member of this group. Otrs_sync : user for Active Directory synchronization with OTRS.   STEP-1 : Pre-Requisites 1)       Find Hostname and IP Address of AD Server 2)       Add Hostname in Linux Server /etc/hosts file 3)       Set Time Zone ( date and time must me same with AD and OTRS Server ) a.        timedatectl list-timezones b.        timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Kolkata STEP-2 : Copy Config Files from OTRS Server. ·          Open WinSCP and Connect to the Server via “SCP” protocol wi...

Multi Tenancy in OTRS Community Edition Step by Step Tutorial

Hi,  How Multi-Tenancy Works in OTRS? OTRS Community Edition supports Multi-Tenancy Feature for handling scenarios such as Service Providers, Call Centers, and Managed Service Providers ( MSP ) and many more industries who want to cater and extend service support to their precious customers. OTRS Community Edition is so much flexible and allows many customizations as per your requirements and Multi-Tenancy is one of them. Single OTRS Server can be used in multi-tenant scenarios, it can also be easy to map service catalogs, groups for a set of customers, and set of support Agents. here is some of the more customization we can do int the OTRS Systems. - Access Control Permission. - Multiple Support Teams. - Customer Specific SLA. - Multiple E-mail Address for Customers. - Multiple Active Directory synchronization for Single Sign-on. - Many More.. below is the basic Ticket flow in my Example. STEPS TO CONFIGURE   Tenant 1 : The Coffee Company Limited 1.    ...