How to install Additional Self-Hosted Engine on Clustered / New Hosts.
Installing Additional Self-Hosted Engine Hosts
Applies to :
- Ovirt 4.x.x
- Red Hat Virtualization ( RHV ) 4.x.x
- Oracle Linux Virtual Manager ( OLVM )
You add self-hosted engine hosts the same way as a regular host, with an additional step to deploy the host as a self-hosted engine host. The shared storage domain is automatically detected and the host can be used as a failover host to host the Engine virtual machine when required. You can also add regular hosts to a self-hosted engine environment, but they cannot be used to host the Engine virtual machine.
To install an additional self-hosted engine host, complete the following steps.
Steps for New Host in Cluster.
In the Administration Portal, go to Compute and click Hosts.
Click New.
For information on additional host settings, see the Admin Guide in the latest upstream oVirt Documentation.
Use the drop-down list to select the Data Center and Host Cluster for the new host.
Enter the Name and the Address of the new host. The standard SSH port, port 22, is auto-filled in the SSH Port field.
Select an authentication method to use for the engine to access the host.
Enter the root user’s password to use password authentication.
Alternatively, copy the key displayed in the SSH PublicKey field to
on the host to use public key authentication.
configure power management, where the host has a supported power management card. For information, see “Configuring Power Management and Fencing on a Host”.
Click the Hosted Engine sub-tab.
Select the Deploy radio button.
Click OK.
Steps for Existing Host in Cluster.
In the Administration Portal, go to Compute and click Hosts.
Select Host where you want to deploy Additional Ovirt-Engine.
Click on Management Menu and Select Maintenance Option, to put the host in maintenance mode, All running VMs will migrate on the available host within the cluster automatically.
After successfully entering to host maintenance Mode, Click on the Installation Menu and Select Reinstall Option.
A new window will appear.
Click the Hosted Engine sub-tab.
Select the Deploy from the dropdown list.
Click OK.
The host will automatically reboot and reinstall with the Power management fencing agent and Hoste-Engine Capabilities, Process will take Approx 30 to 40 min.
Note: Assuming that Host is already configured with Power management fencing through ILO / iDRAC / IPMI , For more information see “Configuring Power Management and Fencing on a Host”.
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