
Showing posts from November, 2021

Bootloader ... FAILED - it looks like there are no valid bootloader entries. please ensure this is fixed before rebooting.

 Applies to : O-Virt 4.X RHV 4.X OLVM Problem Description : - Node is not able to assign SPM  - Node is not able to go in maintenance Mode. - Virtual Machine status "PAUSE " - " nodectl check " status FAILED . - Bootloader ... FAILED - it looks like there are no valid bootloader entries. Please ensure this is fixed before rebooting. - Layer boot entries ... FAILED - No bootloader entries which point to imgbased layers. - valid boot entries ... FAILED - No valid boot entries for imgbased layers or non-imgbased layers. CAUSE : - Low Space on Montpoints - VDSM Service  RESOLUTION : - Login to Ovirt Management Console. - Try to Assign SPM capability to another cluster node. ( if will fail with error ) - Login to the affected node from SSH and checked the status with " nodectl check " command. - Restart VDSM Service with “ systemctl restart vdsmd ”  - Restart Multipath Service with “ systemctl restart multipathd ” - Move All Running VM’s from the affected node ...

Virtual Disk ( HDD ) stuck in locked status ( ovirt, rhv, olvm )

  Applies to : 1) Ovirt 4.X 2) RHV 4.X 3) OLVM Problem Description : - Virtual Disk show status " Locked " in Storage Domain. FCP / Gluster / iSCSI / NFS - Virtual Disk image can not be removed from inventory due to " Locked " Status. Problem Cause : - Usually, this problem occurs due to network or any other interruption while uploading /copying disk image operation to the storage domain. - Keep disk entry for operation resume, but after a certain time Image get's "Locked" - engine is not keeping the operations state in the DB, and it should handle failures, unlocking the disk if an operation fails. - VDSM is storing partial disks on the storage domain in spite of copy operation failure. Resolution :  - Login to Ovirt-Engine / Management-Engine VM via SSH with "ROOT" user. - go to " /usr/share/ovirt-engine/setup/dbutils/ " - type command " sh -t all " ( Warning !! Affected Virtual Disk data may corrupt , U...

How to install Additional Self-Hosted Engine on Clustered / New Hosts.

  Installing Additional Self-Hosted Engine Hosts Applies to : -  Ovirt 4.x.x - Red Hat Virtualization ( RHV ) 4.x.x - Oracle Linux Virtual Manager ( OLVM ) You add self-hosted engine hosts the same way as a regular host, with an additional step to deploy the host as a self-hosted engine host. The shared storage domain is automatically detected and the host can be used as a failover host to host the Engine virtual machine when required. You can also add regular hosts to a self-hosted engine environment, but they cannot be used to host the Engine virtual machine. To install an additional self-hosted engine host, complete the following steps. Steps for New Host in Cluster. In the  Administration Portal , go to  Compute  and click  Hosts . Click  New. For information on additional host settings, see the  Admin Guide  in the latest upstream  oVirt Documentation . Use the drop-down list to select the  Data Center  and  Host Clus...

Red Hat Virtualization / Oracle Virtualization / Ovirt - Power Management Settings for iDRAC 6 / iDRAC7 / iDRAC9

 ISSUE :  - How to configure iDRAC 6/ 7/ 8/ 9 settings for Ovirt / RHV / OLVM using Dell environment? - No fencing agent called iDRAC 6 / 8/ 9 is available in power management. How to configure it? - How to use ipmilan fencing agent for iDRAC 6 / 8/ 9 ? The host that houses the self-hosted engine is not highly available by default. Since the self-hosted engine runs inside a virtual machine on a host, if you do not configure high-availability for the host, then live VM migration is not possible. Further, you must have an additional self-hosted engine host so that it is capable of hosting the engine virtual machine in case of a failure, maintenance issue, etc. This ensures that the Engine virtual machine can failover to another host thus making it highly available. Error While Configuring iDRAC 7 option in Power Management Section. " Test failed: WARNING:root:Parse error: Ignoring option 'agent' because it does not have value WARNING:root:Parse error: Ignoring option 'la...

Kdump integration is enabled for host '', but kdump is not configured properly on host

 ERROR :  Getting the below message in Ovirt / Oracle KVM / RHEV Portal, while activating a host: " Kdump integration is enabled for host '<hostname>', but kdump is not configured properly on host " RESOLUTION : The Host need to be reinstalled in order to push new Kdump integration configuration.  1) Switch the affected host to " Maintenance Mode ", all VMs will be automatically migrated to the next available hosts in the cluster. 2) Click on " Installation" Menu.   3) Select "Reinstall" Button. New Window will open. 4) Go to " Self-Hosted Engine " and select " Deploy ". 5) Click " OK " to begin reinstallation of the host. VERIFY : Specifically, to determine if the Host has Kdump configured or not OVIRT / ORACLE KVM / RHV-M checks the host's /etc/kdump.conf contains the configurations below: fence_kdump_nodes rhv-m-server-ip-address fence_kdump_args -p 7410 -i 5 During a host Reinstallation, the sa...